Night Waking’s
Why is my baby waking up at night?
Let me help you find out why.
Night waking’s are the biggest sleep concern I help families to address. My most popular package for night waking’s is my 1:1 support – Full Support Package, however the following checklist is a good starting point to help you trouble shoot the cause of your little one’s night waking’s.
All of us wake during the night while we link sleep cycles, however we don’t remember as we fall back to sleep. When families come to me for sleep help, it’s often because their little one is waking up upset, or having difficulty falling back to sleep, or waking frequently for feeds their parents feel are not needed.
Hunger can be a common cause of night waking’s.
Some babies retain a night feed for longer than others - however, some night waking’s can be mistaken for hunger. If in doubt, keep reading.
Look at how your child falls asleep.
If support is needed to fall asleep, it can contribute to issues linking sleep cycles. It can lead to baby waking for additional support/feeds during the night.
Overtiredness at bedtime is a common cause of night waking’s.
The cortisol created by overtiredness can result in difficulty linking sleep cycles.
Look at what you do when baby wakes.
What we do when baby/toddler wakes can reinforce those wakings (for example: a feed that baby may not nutritionally require).
If you need help with your child’s night waking’s, contact me to book your complimentary no obligations discovery call and we can discuss how we can help get your child sleeping through the night.