Phoenix Dreams Certified Child & Baby Sleep Consultant Ireland

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Tips on juggling schools collections with your child’s naps

Tips on juggling schools collections with your child’s naps

1. Ask for help

Consider asking a neighbour/parent in your child's class to car pool / join their children walking/cycling to school. Or is it a possibility to ask a neighbour/family member to sit in your house with the baby monitor? Sometimes we automatically think this is not an option or don't want to ask for help, however other parents are likely to understand and may have been in a similar predicament themselves previously.

2.  Amend your baby's nap schedule

This option will differ from child to child and the precise timings of your school drop and collection, however an example is allowing your baby to nap longer for nap 1, so the start of nap 2 is slightly delayed to not conflict with school collection.  Or it may be waking your child earlier from nap 1 to ensure they have time for nap 2 before school collection.

3. Naps on the go

Another option is to allow your little one to nap on the go - car or buggy. This may mean leaving earlier for the drop or collection if a nap is due or a longer drive/walk home. Motion sleep/a slightly shorter nap is better than no nap. Use it as an excuse to get a longer walk in/bring a coffee and enjoy the longer drive.

Finally, try and not stress if it doesn't work out ideal every day, it's better your little one naps late/on the go than not at all.

You are doing your best and that IS good enough.

And remember, this is a stage and a season and this won't always be an issue.
