Six Month Sleep Regression

The Six Month Sleep Regression

What is it?

I refer to the 6 month sleep regression as a growth spurt or your baby learning a new skill rather than a sleep regression. Babies at this stage are going through so many changes developmentally, including learning to roll over.

How will I know if it’s the 6 month sleep regression?

If your baby’s sleep has noticeable changed, such as shorter naps or more frequent night waking’s this can be an indication. If this occurs and your baby is demonstrating a new skill such as starting to roll over, and your child is between 5 – 7 months of age, this is likely to be the 6 month sleep regression.

Will this impact sleep?

Yes, this can have a knock on impact on sleep. If sleep is settled to begin with, it’s a matter of staying consistent and not allowing new sleep associations creep in that you do not wish to sustain. However, if sleep was not settled then now is a good time to look at various factors which I have detailed below.

How can I help my baby get their sleep back on track?

  1. Ensure you are using an age appropriate 2 – 3 daily nap schedule.

  2. Look at how baby is falling asleep. If they need support to fall asleep such as feeding, being rocked, held, etc, now is a good time to help baby fall asleep more independently.

  3. I recommend reviewing your child’s sleep environment. I recommend a quiet dark room for both daytime and nighttime sleep. White noise can be helpful here especially to drown out environmental noises.

  4. If you do not have a nap and bedtime routine, now is a good time to start one. It can be a great way to start your little one’s nap/night sleep on a positive note.


Best of luck. Make sure to follow my social media channels for various Child Sleep Tips. I also share samples of age appropriate routines for 6 month olds here that will help.

Child Sleep Consultant


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