Preparing for the Spring Clock Change – March 2024
The clocks spring forward by 1 hour on Sunday 31 March at 1am. Wondering how this may impact your child’s sleep and what to do? Let me help. First off, this tends to be the easiest clock change out of the two that occur each year (hooray!). Here is my approach tailored on what time your child usually wakes at - a plan for your child simplified!
White Noise - Child Sleep Consultant
White Noise – What's the hype about?
White noise has so many benefits. In this blog, I cover off its key benefits and the circumstances I regard it as almost an essential household item for sleep.
White noise helps turn on your baby’s innate calming reflex, which is their built-in “on button” for sleep. And as babies get older, white noise becomes a learned sleep cue.
Night Waking’s
Night waking’s are the biggest sleep concern I help families to address. My most popular package for night waking’s is my 1:1 support – Full Support Package, however the following checklist is a good starting point to help you trouble shoot the cause of your little one’s night waking’s.
All of us wake during the night while we link sleep cycles, however we don’t remember as we fall back to sleep. When families come to me for sleep help, it’s often because their little one is waking up upset, or having difficulty falling back to sleep, or waking frequently for feeds their parents feel are not needed.
Finding it difficult to get a balance of managing your child’s nap schedule?
Finding it difficult to get a balance of managing your child’s nap schedule?
Tips on juggling schools collections with your child’s naps
Tips on juggling schools collections with your child’s naps
Tips For Siblings Sharing Room
Tips for siblings sharing a room
I am frequently asked when is a good time for two children to start sharing a room.
Here are my top tips.
Tips to help your child sleep well in hot weather & summer time.
Tips to help your child sleep well in hot weather and summer time
Here are my top tips for keeping your little one comfortably cool during the summer season.
Six Month Sleep Regression
The six month sleep regression.
I refer to the 6 month sleep regression as a growth spurt or your baby learning a new skill rather than a sleep regression. Babies at this stage are going through so many changes developmentally, including learning to roll over.
Tips for moving baby from their parents bedroom to their own bedroom
Tips for moving baby from their parents’ bedroom to their own bedroom
Are you thinking of moving your little one to their own bedroom soon?
I am sharing my top tips in this blog.
The most common age for parents to move baby to their own bedroom in my experience, is between 5 – 9 months. The good news is that for babies of this age, the transition from room sharing to their own bedroom can be quite seamless with some preparation. However, if your baby is slightly older, don’t worry, a smooth transition can be achieved.
Bedtime duty for more than one child
Do you need to do bedtime duty for more than one child by yourself?
Read my top tips which will help.
Becoming a parent of two can have new challenges, such as when you are on bedtime duty for two children. I became a mother of two children a few months ago, so I know the challenges all too well.
Here are my top tips that have helped me and many families I have worked with.
Dropping from 1 nap to no nap
Dropping from 1 nap to no nap.
So, you have tried my various tips in my most recent blog titled Nap Strikes – Is your toddler resisting their nap and feel it may be time to remove your toddlers nap.
If your toddler is aged 2 – 2.5, I recommend trying my tips for an additional 2 weeks as in my experience it is very rare that a 2 – 2.5 year old is truly ready for the transition to no nap and removing the nap too prematurely can create a new set of sleep concerns for parents.
Once you are confident your toddler is ready for the transition to zero naps, here are my top tips to ensure a smooth transition.
Is your toddler fighting their Nap?
First off, it is quite rare that a child under the age of 3 does not need a nap. Many children still need a nap between the ages of 3 – 4. However, it is very common that toddlers go through stages of resisting the nap (it can often happen for several days in a row).
However, if your child is age 3 or under in particular, they may not be dropping the nap. I successfully bring back the nap for the vast majority of under 3’s I work with as taking away the nap prematurely can cause sleep concerns of their own.
The Four Month Sleep Regression
The four month sleep regression is really a sleep PROgression. Four months is a key stage in a child's sleep development and there is a reason why many Child Sleep Consultants work with children from four months plus. This is because a child’s sleep develops and matures, and their circadian rhythm has developed by four months, and they can fully identify day from night.
Christmas Sleep Tips and Advice
Christmas is a magical time of year, especially after the past couple of years. So many people have missed out on valuable family and friends visits and time together, and as we approach the festive season, I know many parents are wondering how to manage your child's sleep schedule and still not miss out on making those valuable memories with your loved ones. I am going to share my top Christmas Sleep Tips to try and help you strike a balance between managing your Child Sleep schedule while enjoying the festive season to the max. Child & baby Sleep Consultant.
The Dream Feed - Child Sleep Consultant FAQ
The Dream Feed - Phoenix Dreams Child Sleep FAQ
Dream Feed- It's a feed you give to your baby when they are already asleep (however gently taking them out of their cot for the feed) to help them get the feed they need while enabling them to have a longer stretch of sleep in the initial part of the night.